WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c’s) vs. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend
Trick Williams is shown in attendance while Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are at ringside.
The bell rings and both Jackson and Legend attack Bianca and Cargill. Legend slams Bianca and goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out. Jackson is tagged in and they double team Bianca. Jackson goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out. Legend is tagged back in and a cutter onto Bianca. Legend goes for the cover but Cargill breaks it up. Legend with a right hand onto Cargill and she throws Bianca to the outside. Jackson is tagged in. Both teams on the outside and Chelsea gets in Legend’s face. Legend with a big boot onto Chelsea. Bianca kicks them both away, runs into the ring and tags Cargill into the match. Jade with a big boot onto both women. They double team Jackson with a double knees to the face and German suplex. Cargill goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winners: Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill
Related Links:
Gallery: WWE Related > Live Event Digitals > Friday Night SmackDown > 2024 > October 11th
Gallery: Screencaptures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Friday Night SmackDown > 2024 > October 11th
Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair vs The Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx)
Jordan, Belair and Cargill come out in matching tag attire and Jey Uso and Trick Williams are still in the ring and they pose with the women and we go to commercial break.
Back from break, Fatal Influence makes their way to the ring. Uso and Williams have now vacated the ring for the match. Jordan and Henley start the match and Jordan is placed in the wrong corner is gets attacked by all members of Fatal Influence. Nyx is now tagged in and Jordan is all over her with dropkicks. All the women enter the ring, and Fatal Influence gets drop kicked and all three members are body slammed by Cargill, Belair and Jordan. Jordan and Nyx are still legal and Jordan gets a cross body and a two count. Jordan tags in Belair and Henley is tagged in. Belair takes down Henley with a clothesline and taunts Henley. Belair gets Henley in the corner and unleashes several punches and Jayne comes in and pulls Bianca’s braid. Belair hits a stalled suplex and then a standing moonsault for a two count. Cargill is tagged in and they double team Henley. Cargill tags out and hoists Jordan in a gorilla press and throws her onto Henley for a two count. Henley strikes Jordan and tags in Nyx who takes down Jordan. Jordan rolls out of the ring and Nyx and Henley distract the ref and Cargill and Belair allowing Jayne to hit a cannonball on Jordan outside and we cut to commercial.
Back live, Nyx has Jordan on the mat and kicks her in the corner. Henley is tagged in and Nyx helps with a double team. Jayne is now tagged in and she covers Jordan for two. Jordan is getting beaten in the corner and Jordan makes an escape but is apprehended by Jayne. Jordan kicks Jayne in the jaw and both women are laid out. Jordan tags out to Cargill who clears house. Spinebuster to Jayne, backbreaker to Henley and a fallaway slam to Nyx. Cargill then splashes Nyx and Jayne in the corner and delivers a chokeslam to Nyx. Cargill tags out to Belair who gets slammed onto Nyx but Henley breaks the pin. Jade takes out Fallon and Jordan hits a moonsault on Henley and Jayne and in the ring Nyx connects with a kick covers for two. Belair tags Cargill and they double team Nyx and Cargil tags out to Jordan who hits a split legged moonsault on Nyx for the win.
Winners: Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill
Related Links:
Gallery > WWE Related > Live Event Digitals > WWE NXT > 2024 > October 8th
Gallery > Screencaptures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE NXT > 2024 > October 8th
Adam Pearce is backstage and in comes Bianca Belair. He tells her he gave her his word that he will figure it out but he can’t give her an answer tonight. Bianca is saying she can’t be patient. She went about getting her rematch the right way but now, right or wrong, she is doing it her way.
The Grayson Waller Effect with Charlotte Flair
Grayson Waller says just when you thought the Grayson Waller Effect couldn’t get any bigger, they are about to break the internet. He introduces Charlotte Flair to the show.
Waller says it is great having her on the show. He asks Charlotte if she will become a 15 time champion. Flair says 15 time, 16 time but since they are talking numbers, she has Asuka’s number. Asuka tells him he can wooo when she says that. Waller wooo’s.
Bianca Belair’s music hits and out she comes. Bianca tells Flair her accolades speak for themselves but someone has to explain to her how things work. She lost her title, was told she was going to get a rematch, in comes Flair who says she wants a rematch and got the rematch. Flair stands up as the fans chant “EST”. Flair tells Bianca she calls her shots and gets them, she is not going to apologize. The line starts and ends with her.
Flair tells Bianca she lost to Rhea at WrestleMania and she did not get a rematch. They are both owed a rematch. Bianca tells Flair that she tried to do it the right way. She got defeated and stayed and she tried to do it the right way. She says she didn’t go away and hide for three months. Maybe she should take things into her own hands too. Flair asks her if she thinks she ran away. Flair says she stepped away but did not run away. And if anyone knows anything about defeat, she has beaten the best and gotten defeated but picked herself up 14 times. She is a champion with or without the title. She asks Bianca if she is a champion with or without a title.
Bianca says she is the longest reigning women’s champion of the modern era and she didn’t have to do it 14 times. And to put respect on her name. Bianca tells Flair that the past is the past but the future is that she will be sitting ringside for Flair’s match against Asuka. She is done being patient and playing with them and no matter who will win, she will get in the ring face to face and call her shot. Because that title is coming back to her. Bianca drops the microphone and leaves the ring.
Related Links:
Gallery: WWE Related > Live Event Digitals > Friday Night SmackDown > 2023 > June 16th
Gallery: Screencaptures > WWE > Friday Night SmackDown > 2023 > June 16th
Byron Saxton is backstage with Damage CTRL. Saxton asks about Bayley’s setback. Dakota Kai says Bayley brought her back from rock bottom. Kai would do anything for her girls, but can you say the same about Alexa Bliss, Asuka, or Bianca Belair? IYO SKY speaks in Japanese. Kai says they will stop at nothing until Bayley holds the gold she rightly deserves. Sky speaks in Japanese again. Bayley says Sky talked about beating Candice’s ass.
Bayley vs. Candice LeRae
The bell rings, and Bayley quickly kicks her down. Bayley stomps her in the corner. LeRae reverses a whip, but Bayley shoulder tackles her down for a two-count. LeRae comes back with some arm drags and a drop-toe-hold. LeRae hits a dropkick and a rolling neck snapper. LeRae hits a jackknife pin for a two-count. Bayley holds her ribs in pain from the Ladder Match two days ago. Bayley puts LeRae on the apron, but LeRae knocks her in the ribs. LeRae goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick. Bayley quickly rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: LeRae hits Bayley with a baseball slide and puts her in the ring for a two-count. Bayley rolls out of the ring again. Bayley soon attacks her and smashes her knee on the ring post. LeRae holds her knee in pain. Bayley drags her into the ring for a two-count. Bayley stomps her and holds her ribs again. Bayley chokes LeRae on the ropes. Bayley stretches the injured knee out and attacks it. LeRae catches her with an inside cradle for a two-count. LeRae then rolls her up for another two-count.
Back from the break, LeRae gets to her feet and punches Bayley to the corner. LeRae punches away at her and hobbles away. LeRae hits a running uppercut, throws her down, and hits a step-up senton splash. LeRae dropkicks her for a near fall. Bayley quickly attacks the leg and hits a DDT to the leg. Bayley sets up for a Rose Plant, but LeRae counters into a roll-up for the victory!
Winner: Candice LeRae
LeRae quickly escapes the ring and celebrates. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY quickly attack her from behind and get her in the ring. Kai and Sky hit a kick/backbreaker combo. Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair runs down, but Bayley attacks her. Kai and Sky double dropkick Belair. Bayley hits the ropes and knees LeRae in the face. Damage CTRL holds Belair up for Bayley to hit a flying elbow drop. Bayley poses and shouts that this is what a real tag team looks like.
Raw Women’s Championship – Ladder Match: Bayley vs. Bianca Belair
The bell rings, and Belair quickly attacks Bayley. They hit the ropes and take each other out with dual cross-body blocks. Bayley goes outside and puts a ladder in the ring. Belair grabs a ladder and puts it in the ring as well. Bayley sets up the ladder and starts to climb, but it’s too short. Belair brings a bigger ladder in and starts to climb. Bayley gets off her and knocks Belair down. They get into a tug-of-war over Bayley’s original ladder. Belair pushes Bayley out of the ring. Bayley grabs her, but Bayley knocks her back. Bayley then sends Belair into a ladder leaning against the ring and clotheslines her on the floor. Bayley repositions the ladder leaning on the apron and catapults her onto it. Belair uses the ladder to quickly get in the ring and start climbing the ladder for the title. Bayley quickly pulls her down and whips her to the corner. Belair backflips over her and goes back to the ladder, but Bayley stops her. Belair leaps over her and pushes Bayley hard into the ladder. Belair lays the ladder on the mat and slams Bayley onto it before hitting a handspring standing moonsault.
Belair gets another ladder in the ring, and Bayley quickly drives it into Belair’s midsection. Bayley has Belair wedged in the corner and punches her down. The crowd is really buzzing for these two. Bayley then hits Belair with a sunset flip powerbomb into the ladder leaning in the corner! Bayley sets the ladder up and starts to climb, but Belair pulls her down. Bayley knocks her back and drives the ladder into her. Bayley uses the ladder to push her out of the ring. Bayley sets up a ladder bridge from the steps to the barricade. Bayley lays Belair on the ladder and grabs a fan sign to make fun of it. Bayley leaps off the apron and CRUSHES her with an elbow drop
Bayley takes a smaller ladder and breaks the supports off it. Bayley goes to sandwich her on the ladder, but Belair escapes. The ladder breaks in two, so Belair smashes it on Bayley’s back. Belair gets in the ring and sets the ladder up. Belair starts to climb, but Bayley pulls her down. Bayley climbs, but Belair grabs her and hits a spinebuster. Belair starts to climb, but Bayley kicks over the ladder to knock her out of the ring.
Bayley breaks off a metal hinge from her knee brace. Bayley charges Belair, but Belair sidesteps her. Belair hits Bayley with the KOD and sets the ladder up. Belair starts to climb, Damage CTRL run down to knock the ladder over! Dakota Kai and IYO SKY double-team Belair. Sky goes to the top rope, but Belair fights back. Belair manages to hit both Sky and Kai with a double KOD! Yikes!
Belair starts to set up a ladder, but Bayley takes a side of the broken ladder and throws it at Belair’s spine. Bayley manages to wedge the broken ladder in the corner and knocks Belair into the corner. Bayley then hits a Rose Plant on the Raw Women’s Champion and traps Belair under the ladder. Bayley starts to climb the ladder, but Belair manages to press the ladder up and knocks Bayley down to the canvas. Belair sets the ladder up. They both start climbing it. They’re brawling at the top. Bayley grabs the braid and pulls Belair into the ladder to knock her down. Bayley reaches for the title, but Belair quickly gets to her feet and smacks her with her braid to knock her off the ladder. Belair lifts Bayley up for a KOD. Bayley grabs the broken ladder to try to desperately hit her with it. Belair hits Bayley with a KOD onto the broken ladder! Bayley’s mouth looks like it connected with the ladder. Belair climbs the ladder and grabs the title to win this match!
Winne: Bianca Belair
Bianca Belair celebrates with the Raw Women’s Championship. Bayley, who is bleeding from the mouth, is at ringside with Damage CTRL.
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Gallery: Screencaptures > WWE > Pay-Per-View > 2022 > Extreme Rules