Byron Saxton is backstage with Damage CTRL. Saxton asks about Bayley’s setback. Dakota Kai says Bayley brought her back from rock bottom. Kai would do anything for her girls, but can you say the same about Alexa Bliss, Asuka, or Bianca Belair? IYO SKY speaks in Japanese. Kai says they will stop at nothing until Bayley holds the gold she rightly deserves. Sky speaks in Japanese again. Bayley says Sky talked about beating Candice’s ass.
Bayley vs. Candice LeRae
The bell rings, and Bayley quickly kicks her down. Bayley stomps her in the corner. LeRae reverses a whip, but Bayley shoulder tackles her down for a two-count. LeRae comes back with some arm drags and a drop-toe-hold. LeRae hits a dropkick and a rolling neck snapper. LeRae hits a jackknife pin for a two-count. Bayley holds her ribs in pain from the Ladder Match two days ago. Bayley puts LeRae on the apron, but LeRae knocks her in the ribs. LeRae goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick. Bayley quickly rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: LeRae hits Bayley with a baseball slide and puts her in the ring for a two-count. Bayley rolls out of the ring again. Bayley soon attacks her and smashes her knee on the ring post. LeRae holds her knee in pain. Bayley drags her into the ring for a two-count. Bayley stomps her and holds her ribs again. Bayley chokes LeRae on the ropes. Bayley stretches the injured knee out and attacks it. LeRae catches her with an inside cradle for a two-count. LeRae then rolls her up for another two-count.
Back from the break, LeRae gets to her feet and punches Bayley to the corner. LeRae punches away at her and hobbles away. LeRae hits a running uppercut, throws her down, and hits a step-up senton splash. LeRae dropkicks her for a near fall. Bayley quickly attacks the leg and hits a DDT to the leg. Bayley sets up for a Rose Plant, but LeRae counters into a roll-up for the victory!
Winner: Candice LeRae
LeRae quickly escapes the ring and celebrates. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY quickly attack her from behind and get her in the ring. Kai and Sky hit a kick/backbreaker combo. Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair runs down, but Bayley attacks her. Kai and Sky double dropkick Belair. Bayley hits the ropes and knees LeRae in the face. Damage CTRL holds Belair up for Bayley to hit a flying elbow drop. Bayley poses and shouts that this is what a real tag team looks like.
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